Istiqama by yasiin bey |
Welcome to Anvil Tongue's 2025 digital publishing mission.
For this year, I am calling upon the creative POWER within the proWORKER, proARABIC, proBLACK, proIMMIGRANT, proINDIGENEOUS, proUNITY, radical & unafraid & anti-empire & proHUMANBEINGNESS of your poetry practices.
Please send your Gift of Poetry as 3 - 5 poems copy/pasted in the text field of an email to anviltonguebooks (( a t )) gmail [[[ dot ]]] com. No attachments, please.
I will also consider publishing succinct, outside-the-box & thoughtful poetry book reviews (700 words, tops). NO fiction. NO cnf.
Please include a brief (140 words, tops) biographical statement at the conclusion of your email.
Please look at what's been previously published & if you see that your style & voice is not well represented, or feels needed; please definitely send your poems!
This one-man-band currently performs all curating work from a ragged & jagged & well travelled cell phone, so, no promises of extensive editing, nor of any poetically surgical miracles.
Email subject field needs to read: "Gift of Poetry 2025 : Your Name"
* Previously published poems are aye-OK!
** If you have a book forthcoming or recently published, I'd be happy to help promote/showcase/big up by publishing an excerpt.
*** Published poems will be promoted and archived via Bluesky app: @anviltongue
Many thanks for your interest in digital publishing with Anvil Tongue.
dan cyran hashem
Emissary of Momentum, Anvil Tongue