Saturday, April 1, 2023

NHC III,2; IV,2, Irene Koronas



90 percent in colop dex 3,
a protennoia in the ophite
version. 5 or at least 7

pentads doke the authentic 
flex. When segmen
hose the dentalize

and ghost the first
the first cog

the second tity
will alcove 55 ping pong 

A slant intrution
for a moment
filters notspars

to perspective

an introx moot, 
oxic shutty 

that meta lorri
tarns the diagram

from pockanch 
the repro 



and edits desponse 
to what is 177-78

derepeat 398
derefer 2 critical 
sense or less
precise neodeduce

a statuary dehabit
the suspense trigger

that pronouns 


This suppose broken
by dectifying
injunc with possible 

dedecessor the dedecessor

each ascend 
the decumference
deremains straight

a clear decupera
and an energy dereserve
from deconversion

the dialectical intricacy
alters a sharp degion 
at this point

degather and deinterpret

each expurg decall
becomes deputation
for expulsion

Irene Koronas is the author of numerous collections of xperimental writing. Her Grammaton Series includes siphonic, Volume VI (BlazeVOX, 2022), lithic cornea, Volume V (BlazeVOX, 2021), holyrit, Volume IV (BlazeVOX, 2019), declivities, Volume III (BlazeVOX, 2018), ninth iota, Volume II (The Knives Forks and Spoons Press, 2018) and Codify, Volume I (Éditions du Cygne, 2017). Her collections include Turtle Grass (Muddy River Books, 2014)  and Pentakomo Cyprus (Červená Press, 2009). Her xperimental writing and sauvage art have been published in Alligatorzine, BlazeVOX, The Boston Globe, Buzdokuz, Cambridge Chronicles, E·ratio, Marsh Hawk Press Review, Offcourse, perspektive, slowforward, Taos Journal of International Poetry & Art and Word For/Word. She is the Publisher of Var(2x). Her website is 

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